Photos, Audios & Videos > Audios > Mary

Mary lived in prayer
Mary was tested in suffering
Mary kept in the heart
Mary to Jesus was encouragement
Oh, Mary teach me to be this way
And as son in Good wait everything
Dear mother, come walk with me
Oh Mary, beg to Jesus for me
Mary who didin't rebel
Mary who offered herself for us
Mary who taught the little shepards
Mary who appeared in Fátima
Authored by Fabio Roniel, a musician from Comunidade Canção Nova, the song Maria reports us to the contemplation of the Virgin Mary, Her perfect obedience, Her total surrender to God.
Sister Benigna, while alive, taught the devotion to Our Lady to many people, the praying of the rosary, the prayer of the Hail Holy Queen. She deeply loved Our Lady, and translated such love in works in favor of everyone.